Ever since I was a young girl, I loved everything there was to love about fashion. I was fascinated by the different textures, the colours, and of course- the accessories. I took “dress-up” time far more seriously than anything else, and always wore my “good clothes” in the house. My style was established at a young age, and I haven’t changed much since! Although, I do love me a pair of sweats…
As I grew older, I still had style that shone through in every outfit I wore. I was introduced to a “real” fashion scene around this age, making my first appearance at Toronto Fashion Week. My mother, being immersed in the industry, brought my sister and myself every year she had an invitation. The fascination continued, and my love for fashion expanded to include far more than plastic rainbow-chokers and barbie shoes (which I made sure fit no matter how small/big my feet were).
Fast-forward to Junior high- I started my blog! I was coming into who I was- shedding my cocoon and starting a new chapter. At this point, I had made a huge decision to go through what the natural hair community terms “the big chop”. I decided to cut off my relaxed ends (on my own, at 2am- oh how I loved 13) and initially made “Eboni Curls” my creative outlet for my newfound journey. I blogged about my hair on-and-off, but mainly wanted it to serve as a resource for other young women such as myself, going through the very scary-yet-liberating endeavour.
After a 2-week long school trip to Europe (Spain and France), I fell in love with fashion again. I was ecstatic to be surrounded by others who took pride in their wear, and always made it a goal to look well-put together. The colours, the outfits, the fluidity and the dimensions- I soaked it all in during my trip and photographed as much as I could. I brought it all back with me to Edmonton (where I lived for my final years of high school) and built my own sense of style. I figured, “I already have ‘Eboni Curls’- let’s rebrand as a fashion blog!” And so I did.
I have learned so much about myself. Fashion remains a huge passion for me- at this point I don’t ever think it won’t be. I continue to grow as a “blogger”, “influencer or whatever it is you’d like to call it. Eboni Curls has expanded to include beauty, lifestyle and just about anything I think is worth sharing with my Curlfriends (fans of Eboni Curls, of course). I am honoured, watching Eboni Curls continue to grow, working with different brands and reaching people worldwide. I think back to when I started Eboni Curls and I’m humbled to see my dream live out this far. In a world run by social media, it’s not easy, to try and get your work out. What I continue to learn and love about this journey, is its ability to teach me so much about myself and how I can help others through my little piece of internet. It’s people like YOU who keep me going and growing! I can only imagine where my brand grows from here on out- but I want to take the time to thank you for stopping by. It means more than you think!
How ‘Eboni’ Became Eboni Curls