Think Pink

Hey All! 
Why hasn't it snowed yet? In NOVEMBER? It's scary because global warming...not that the folks here in Toronto are complaining.
I decided to partially celebrate the warm weather by ditching my down coat and switching it for a cropped faux fur jacket, showing some shoulders and strutting in some booties. I'm definitely milking this warm weather! 
Here's a look at what I wore: 

vintage cropped faux fur jacket / XXI off-the-shoulder top / topshop trousers 
Zaful Sunnies 

sam edelman booties

I had a lot of fun with this look! I find that it can easily be dressed up with a long coat and a bold lippie, toned down for the office with a blazer, and street-styled with a cropped leather jacket. I tied in a bit of the three looks here.

Final exams, projects, presentations (the list goes on and on) are around the corner, so why not look good while you work?!
