Hi Lovelies!
Lately, everything's been a tornado of the never-ending to-do list. Each day, it seems as though no matter how much I accomplish, my list still continues to grow, and grow....and grow.
I'm continuously told that this is the evolution of adulthood.
"Things just get harder from here on out".
While I understand that getting older means more responsibilities, more things to be held accountable for and less "leisure" time, it forces me to ask the question:
"How much do we get done when our to-do lists never end?"
As a full time student, part-time employee and of course, blogger and influencer, it's difficult to find time to get everything done. Shoots happen in between readings, readings happen during shifts and so on, so forth. It's a game of maximizing time, but how exactly do we do that?
I've been using my hustler's agenda to help my really get down to the nitty gritty of managing my time to ensure that I'm not just wasting it, but that I'm not overloading myself, either.
What if, instead of creating an on-going list, we aim to just accomplish 3-5 of our most daunting tasks? This could be things that have to get done because they're time sensitive or things that genuinely have to happen- say, paying bills on time or finishing a reading for a class. That way, we finish the things we need to finish a bit at a time. Gathering your priorities and sticking to them has proven to help us get ish done.
It's a strategy I'm putting to use starting this week. I shall follow-up in next weeks' post- agreed?
Without further ado, here's a look at this weeks #ShookBook, followed by a very vintage inspired #ootd:
How are you going to tackle that 'to-do' list of yours?!