Hi Loves!
These past few days, which have turned into weeks and now months… have been extremely emotionally (and physically) tiring. In July, my family traveled down to Edmonton, my hometown, to pack up my childhood home. For those of you who have experienced this immense change and survived it— you can email all the tips to eboni@ebonicurls.ca. Trust me, I appreciate it more than you realize. Let me also take this time to thank everyone who reached out to me via text, IG, Twitter, etc with your warm words. I truly appreciated each and every letter in all of your messages.
For those of you who have yet to build an emotional attachment to a home and left it for another family to create memories in, “tough” is an understatement. Some of my earliest memories exist within the safe space of that home. It always made me feel like I belonged- like I was truly home. While many of you know I live in the GTA, and have lived here for most of my life, I frequented Edmonton during the summertime to visit close family and friends, and soon thereafter it became out of the ordinary not to head home for a little break surrounded by lots of love and fun.
While I still appreciate the trip home and the chance to see faces I haven’t seen in a couple years, it was equally painful and served as a constant reminder that everything was about to shift- whether I was ready for it or not. Again- for those who haven’t experienced this yet, you may not realize how many different and s m a l l things you hold on to, and the things your mind has imprinted over the years. Little things like opening empty cupboards when you’re looking for a glass, or going to your old room to lay down and remembering there’s no bed are only two things that remind you that this is no longer your normal. You’re moving, of course, but man, you’re leaving that comfy little soft spot far behind, just hoping there’s something as comfortable on the other side.
And so I cried, and screamed, and cried some more- and then I created (and cried through that too). And I’m crying right now as I proofread before posting this sentimental text.
One of my favourite childhood memories was playing in my backyard. It was the first space that introduced me to my now fully-blossomed passion for foliage, my love for winter activities (sledding-let’s not get crazy. It’s still cold as sugar-honey-iced tea), and my love for berries, as we grew strawberries and raspberries. I won’t take full responsibility for this creative direction- because it was actually my mother who suggested I shoot in the backyard. I didn’t realize that this creative action would serve more than just a lewk for you folks- but as a beautiful memory of one of my favourite places ever.
The last memory I’ll share with you also links directly to my decision to style this outfit. I vividly remember playing dress-up, rummaging through each and every crevice of my grandparents’ and mothers’ closets. My grandparents shared a walk-in that screamed “mall” to me at the tender ages of two to five. I rocked the oversize look before it was ever a trend. My family has always loved fashion, and I truly grew up believing, and still believe that when you look good, you feel good. That doesn’t necessarily translate to accumulating a huge wardrobe- but it does in fact mean that anything you have that makes you feel great when you wear it- you should wear more of it. So, to pay homage to my memories, and to continue what I still do to this day- I headed to my grandparents’ closet amidst the moving mess, and I played dress-up.
So without further ado- I am pleased to share 17404 with you.
vintage silk button-up // vintage button skirt // vintage clutch
I used a circular mirror from a glass table we had at the house during this shoot. Posing with it put me in a clearer state of understanding what was happening. It doubled as a reminder that the 5 year old face that used to peek into it is growing up…and sometimes departure from what we love most happens. It also started raining- hence the droplets on the mirror!
Can’t forget the shookbook for this one!!! Check it out: