Hi Folks!
Welp….I’m back. It has been quite the ride getting to this point, and I’m grateful I have been able to reach a clearer state of mind.
While the rush of New Years resolutions has died down, I continue to make it a daily practice to continue to choose myself first. Life has a way of always shifting, and being able to be flexible and agile enough to bounce back from those shifts is vital. I am in no way an expert- but what I can say is…
“Creating habits that set you up for greatness in the future is one of the best ways to practice self love.”
Choosing to complete your skincare regime everyday, feed yourself consistently, get a good amount of sleep and actually taking the time to enjoy your life and smell the roses is very much a radical act of self love. I mean….shit ain’t easy. It’s actually quite exhausting, trying to keep on top of all of these things daily. But imagine how much more exhausted you would be- if you continue to neglect these things?
Here’s a friendly reminder to do the work. Give yourself mercy and give it your best. Soon enough, the branches of you that once seemed so scarce will turn into full, beautifully lush greenery.
With that being said- here’s today’s evergreen look.
xxi sweater // winner skirt // vintage black booties // m boutique double-buckle belt